Content Management
In the modern era, content is king! Without content, no business will survive. The hospitality business is no exception to it. Content goes in everything, from social media posts, hotel websites, blogs, email marketing, and property and room descriptions in OTAs, to online ads, hotel menus, gift cards, special coupons etc. Hence, hotels need solid content management and marketing to stay in the game.
Without strong hotel content management and marketing, you will not be able to attract guests to your property. Customers need real information. Information is the bridge between the property and the customer. With great content, a guest will surely consider booking a room at the property.
As a part of our content marketing strategy, we create and publish high-quality hotel blogs, that have relevant content and keywords, to increase online visibility for diverse keywords. It also helps in increasing hotel traffic.
Bigfoot Hospitality believes in delivering the best content. We create blogs, social media posts, hotel websites and online ads on behalf of our clients. We have the best content management system and work with our clients to develop a content marketing strategy that will gain results. Our content management system ensures that the content is delivered timely and efficient.
We also ensure that the content on the OTA listings is up to the mark with the right descriptions and images. We are our best when you create a hotel website. We write content for websites based on the property and ensure that the brand is communicated well to the guests.
We use social media to highlight our content marketing skills. Bigfoot Hospitality also has a graphics team that creates emailers for the hotels for effective email marketing.